8 thoughts on “Dichotomy

  1. So true and if a loved one dies, we are grateful for all we had but regret the days and years we wasted and din’t appreciate.
    Beautiful thoughts and picture. Thanks.

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  2. I am reading an amazing book for class and after just 4 chapters, am convinced and comforted with the knowledge that we just take on a different life form but remain very much alive and with those we love. It is Reality Unveiled by Ziad Masri, and seeing the visual evidence of how molecules re-form, how supposedly inanimate objects react to sounds, light, stimulation has me convinced that there is much to love and appreciate every single day.


  3. Your words resonate with me. My husband frequently reminds me that the days are long, and the years are short. If you look at an hour glass, it is shaped like the number 8, or infinity. All living species view or feel time in different ways.

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